Interface array forwarding and modports



Are interface parameters for a module automatically deducted from the interface instance that is connected to the module instance?


I am designing a System that provides a communication infrastructure with multiple channels. Each channel can be tied to a different module by the user. To separate the user logic from the system I created a module wrapping the infrastructure. This is the setup in (pseudo) code

interface channel_if #(parameter int CHANNELBITS = 8);
     logic dummy;

     modport arbiter(input dummy);

module arbiter(
    channel_if.arbiter channel[CHANNELS] //MODPORT defined

module infrastructure(
    channel_if #(CHANNELBITS=16) channel[CHANNELS] //PARAMETERS defined

arbiter channelArbiter(channel);


The problem I have is the following: I can either specify the parameters for the interface array OR the modport. I found no way (Vivado 2015.1) to define both, parameters AND modport.

In top the following code would be found:

channel_if #(CHANNELBITS=16) channelHarness[CHANNELS];
channel_if channelHarness[CHANNELS]; //either this or previous


While it is no problem to assign InterfaceArray.modport to the infrastructure module, I can not assign InterfaceArray.modport inside infrastructure (We already stripped the interface array down to modports at the infrastructure module boundary).


Since I can not define the interfaceparameters for arbiter (only possible if I do not define the modport, which yields inout orts for the interfac,e which I do not want), can I use Interfaces with non defaultparameters?

Are interface parameters for a module automatically deducted from the interface instance that is connected to the modelinstance?

Best Answer

Parameter values are deduced from the interface instance that is connected to the model instance. See the example in section 25.8 Parameterized interfaces of the 1800-2012 LRM.

The interface/modport construct in the SystemVerilog language is one of the most poorly documented sections of the LRM and has many open issues. I would avoid using them unless absolutely necessary.

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