Is it possible to design a switch circuit with XNOR’s truth table value


We all know XNOR's truth table right? Is it possible to design a switch circuit (not a gate circuit) using XNOR's truth table value. I had tried for 40 mins and it seems impossible.

Switch Circuit Example:

image enter image description here

Best Answer

enter image description here

In this position the lamp will be on. Switch A to the down position and the lamp will be off. Switch B to the down position and the lamp goes on again. So the lamp will be on if both switches are in the same position:

A     B     Lamp
up    up    on
up    down  off
down  up    off
down  down  on

This is equivalent to the XNOR's thruth table:

A     B     Y
0     0     1
0     1     0
1     0     0
1     1     1

To extend this circuit to more switches you need a "cross switch" (not sure about the name, in Dutch it's "kruisschakelaar"):

enter image description here

Changing the position of any switch will change the lamp's state, which is what you want if you want to control the lights in your living room from 2 or more points.