Lumen difference between CFL and LED


How much watt I need for LED bulb to get the same amount of light produced by 32 Watt CFL bulb?
So, comparing lumen is the right way to find out the difference between these two light source?

Best Answer

Yes, comparing lumens of the two light sources is the right way to compare their perceived brightness. To get an LED that looks about as bright as a 32 watt CFL, find how many lumens are radiated by that CFL, and look for an LED with a similar number.

There is also a quick rule of thumb. LEDs and CFLs are approximately equal in efficiency (the most efficient LEDs or CFLs achieve around 100 lumens per watt), so a 32 watt CFL will require approximately a 32 watt LED to have equal brightness. Of course this is just an approximation, and there's wide variance in the efficiencies of individual CFLs or LEDs, but this will get you in the right ballpark.