Syntax error verilog code


this sub-code that read the selection line s4-s1 and take the summation of a,b in the selection line =0000, When running this code in ISE project negotiator it gives syntax error tell " Syntax error near "=" " in the line z=0 in the if statement

can you tell me why ?

module one1(a,b,s1,s2,s3,s4,f );
  input s1,s2,s3,s4;
  input [3:0] a,b;
  output reg [3:0] f;

  reg  z,n,c;


  if ({s4,s3,s2,s1} == 4'b0000)
    assign {c,f}= a+b; 
    if (f==0) 
      z=1;         //here is the error 
    else z=0;


Best Answer

Two problems:

  1. You need to wrap an always block around your combinational logic. Something like always @* begin

then put your if statement in there.

  1. You can't assign a wire inside an always block. you need a reg.