The current gain of this op-amp circuit


Op-Amp circuit. Load current is the one through Rl

I just happened to see this circuit in some lecture slides and I thought I could solve it. Unfortunately, I've been trying to check my result with an ideal simulation in LTspice and all my attempts have been wrong.

What is the current gain of this op amp circuit?

I_G = \frac{I_l}{I_1}

where \$I_l\$ is the current through Rl.

Best Answer

At \$R_c\$, there is voltage of \$-R_t\cdot I_1\$. Which means that through \$R_c\$ goes current of \$-(\frac{R_t\cdot I_1}{R_c})\$.

So current through \$R_l\$ is sum of currents going through \$R_t\$ and \$R_c\$ and that is \$-I_1-\frac{R_t\cdot I_1}{R_c}\$.

Gain is \$-(1+\frac{R_t}{R_c})\$.