Total Power Absorbed with KVL and KCL

circuit analysis


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I'm looking to find the value of \$i_1\$, \$v\$, and the total power generated/absorbed.

enter image description here

I started by applying KVL and KCL laws:

\$B: i_1=i_2+i_3\$

\$M_1: 1V=6i_2+5V+54k\Omega\$,

\$M_2: 8V=1.8k\Omega i_3-30i_1+6I_2\$

I tried to solve for \$i_1\$ usuing a matrix, but I didn't get anything close to right answer.

$$ \left[
-30 &6 &1.8k &8 \\
54k &6 &0 &-4 \\
1 &-1 &-1 &0 \\
\right] $$

Best Answer

There is no need for \$i_2\$ since the CCCS in the second branch is causing an integral multiple of \$i_1\$ to flow there and hence the middle \$6k\Omega\$ resistor has \$30+1=31i_1\$ flowing through it.

\$\text{KVL on }M_1:\$ \$ \begin{align} -5V+(54k\Omega)i_1-1V+(6k\Omega)(31i_1)=0\\ \therefore \quad i_1(54k\Omega+186k\Omega)=6\\ \therefore i_1=\frac{6}{240k\Omega}=25 \mu A \Longleftarrow \end{align}\$

Voltage across the central \$6k\Omega\$ resistor equals \$6k\Omega \times 31 \times 25\mu A=4.65V\$


\$\text{KVL on }M_2:\$ \$ \begin{align} 4.65V-8-(1.8k\Omega\times 30)i_1-\nu=0\\ \therefore \nu=-4.7 V \Longleftarrow \end{align}\$

Calculations for power dissipation are then easy to take up from this point onwards.