Two rf 433 transmiter and one receiver connection won’t work


This is my problem. I want to transmit from two transmitters and capture data with a single receiver. I bought two pairs of rf433 and was able to transmit data between each of these rx-tx pairs correctly with ardunio.

But sending from two tx and receiving by one rx was unable to accomplish. Then I tried to find out the reason and here is what I found. These rx and tx modules wont work vice versa. See this diagram:

enter image description here

Since they both transmit 433Mz this also should work fine. If they work in vice versa only, I am able to transmit from two tx.

But I am unable to find out the reason behind this. I would be very thankful if anyone can help with this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The transmitters don't transmit at exactly the same frequency - there may be tens of kHz difference - the receiver however is matched to the transmitter and, from what I know and have read about these particular devices, there is a manual adjuster on the receiver to bring it into near-perfect alignment with the transmitter it is paired with.

enter image description here

Notice the screw terminal on the receiver - this is, I believe, an adjuster that can align the receiver's operating frequency with the transmitter. Basically this means that two randomly chosen transmitters are unlikely to be at the same frequency and, as a result, one setting of the screw on the receiver will not suit both transmitters.

They are $5 a pair so you get what you pay for.