How to Unplug Connectors on 80’s Amp/Receiver


I'm trying to unplug these connectors to get access to the lcd display.

Do I need a special tool? I tried but to no avail. The little ones seem fragile. What is the name of these connectors?

small connector

bigger connector

Best Answer

I have seen ribbon cable connectors like that before. They were originally very common on imported electronics. They are connectors but but not in the sense as most people would think, they do not unplug. They made it easy to connect ribbon type cable to a PCB. If you look on the bottom they will be soldered to the PCB with no way to release the wire from them. The only way to remove them is to unsolder them from the PCB. The PCB board shown in the picture is relatively fragile and will not take much abuse desoldering. If you are not experienced in desoldering through hole components consider if you can afford to lose the unit or have a friend do it for you.