Uploading Program to Arduino Using FTDI Cable or Programmer


I would like detailed instructions on how to go about uploading a program onto an Arduino using an FTDI cable/programmer. I'm just not quite sure what parts to order and how to go about doing it.

Do I require both the FTDI cable as well as a breakout board? Or just one or the other? How exactly does it physically connect to the Arduino/computer? Links would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

Most standard Arduinos require only a USB cable to program. This includes Duemilanove and Mega, for instance.

If you have an arduino with the 6pin-interface in one line, like the Arduino Pro or the Boarduino, you will need either a FTDI cable or a FTDI breakout board and a USB cable.

You will have to check the required Voltage first, because the programming interface can be 3.3V or 5V.

There is quite a variety of cables / breakouts available. I personally chose to go for the FTDI breakout board from Sparkfun. I did not want to have another specific cable lying around.

The FTDI cables are basically USB cables with the FTDI built in.