Using a microcontroller+BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) +Servo with one battery source

arduinobatteriesbluetooth low energyenergyservo

I am currently working on a project where I was looking for a microcontroller that is capable of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) which determines a servo's position.
Using an Arduino the project works well on a breadboard.

To have a better design of the project and enhance the energy efficiency (I need to use batteries and no breadboard)
the Adafruit Trinket was recommended as once
covered within this forum (For a 'customized' arduino consuming less energy making use of Attiny85 vs PCB Fabrication?). As I read I need to use the Adafruit Trinket Pro since the normal trinket with an attiny85 microcontroller will not enable me to attach a BLE module.

Researching on Trinket Pro 5V I found out that the onboard 5V regulator can provide only 150mA output and not 800mA unlike an Arduino Uno.
Therefore I cannot attach the servo(250mAh/4,8V/6V) on the Trinket.

Now I was planning to make use of ONE battery box (6V) and attach it on the Pro Trinket, BLE Module and Servo.
I don't see any other good solution given the requirement that I need to use only one 6V battery box.
I am aware of the risk that the if the Servo uses too much current the device will not work anymore due to the lack of energy. However I will make use of Sleep and interrupt functions to increase the lifetime of the device.

Given the fact that I require a collaboration of a microcontroller, a BLE module and a servo motor, is there a way to use them together in a beneficial/recommendable way?? As of now I consider to attach all of them on an Adafruit Trinket Pro.
However I guess I am thinking too naively; especially considering the battery requirement.

There was a similar question but I cannout extract a useful answer for me from the answers provided there (Using adafruit Flora or Adafruit Trinket + MPU-6050 3-Axis Gyroscope + nRF24L01+ together)

Best Answer

The Atmega328P can actually use a supply of up to 5.5V, so using a silicon rectifier to reduce the 6V and a bulk capacitor (after the diode) to help with brownouts will work, and the servo will be supplied directly off the 6V battery. If your BLE module needs 3.3V then you will have to use a separate regulator for that.