Using adafruit Flora or Adafruit Trinket + MPU-6050 3-Axis Gyroscope + nRF24L01+ together


I am trying to do a project where I need to transmit data from an object if the object is moved in a particular way. The restriction is that the device has to be as thin and small as possible. I am trying to figure out if I can integrate the following three modules:

  1. An Adafruit trinket or Adafruit Flora controller
  2. A MPU-6050 3-Axis Gyroscope (
  3. A nRF24L01+ wifi module (
  4. Use a coin battery.

Does anyone have an idea if the above 3 things are integrable? Do I have any way to check that? Any idea will be appreciated.


Best Answer

Using less components fulfills the requirement of "as small as possible". So usage nRF24LE1 module + accelerometer input + coin battery (CR2032) can be simplest and power-saving solution. There are nRF24LE1 modules with size of 15x15mm only.

Important thing, running device from coin battery implies wise power management: going to standby and awaking from interrupt. This is possible with nRF24LE1.

nRF24 itself is not Wi-Fi. It's special RF implementation, considered as low-power. Wi-Fi module is not low-powered and likely won't work with coin battery.