Using ‘$display’ in Xilinx (verilog)


I am trying to write a testbench for a 16-bit RISC processor using verilog in Xilinx.
I have the following modules:


My question is : To get this to work do i need to create just one test bench for the 'TOP' module and have '$display' statements for each module inside it?

FOR EXAMPLE, if i have to display output of the alu module then should I have the display statement in the test bench for TOP?

module top_test;

    // Inputs
    reg clk;
    reg rst;
    reg start;

    // Outputs
    wire [4:0] PS;
    wire [3:0] opcode;
    wire [15:0] PC;
    wire [15:0] IM_instr;
    wire [15:0] IR_instr;
    wire [14:0] CV;
    wire [15:0] R1_reg;
    wire [15:0] R2_reg;
    wire [15:0] R3_reg;
    wire [15:0] R4_reg;
    wire [15:0] R5_reg;
    wire [15:0] R6_reg;
    wire [15:0] R7_reg;
    wire [15:0] R8_reg;
    wire Z;
    wire [15:0] A_ALU;
    wire [15:0] B_ALU;

    // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
    TOP uut (

    initial begin
        // Initialize Inputs
        clk = 0;
        rst = 0;
        start = 0;

        // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

    #100 ;
    rst = 1;

//  $display($time, " alumod A_in=%b,B_in=%b,ALU_out=%b", A_in, B_in, ALU_out); 

          #5 clk = !clk;


alu module code :

module alumod(clk,rst,load_SR,ALU_opcode,A_in,B_in,ALU_out,data,carry,Z);

    input clk,rst;
    input [15:0] A_in,B_in;
   input [2:0]  ALU_opcode;
    input load_SR;

   output [16:0] ALU_out;
    output [15:0] data;
    output carry, Z;

   reg [16:0] ALU_out;
    reg Z;

    always@(ALU_opcode or A_in or B_in)


    3'b000:  ALU_out = A_in + B_in;
    3'b001:  ALU_out = A_in - B_in;
    3'b010:  ALU_out = {{16{A_in[15]}},A_in} >> B_in; //ARITHMETIC 
    3'b011:  ALU_out = A_in << B_in;            //LOGICAL LEFT SHIFT
    3'b100:  ALU_out = A_in >> B_in;            //LOGICAL RIGHT SHIFT
    3'b101: if (A_in < B_in)                                    //SLT
                    ALU_out = 1;
                    ALU_out = 0;
   3'b110:  ALU_out = ~A_in;                    //INV

    //default: alu_out = ;

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)
            Z <= 1'b0;
        else if(load_SR)
            Z <= (data == 0);
            Z <= Z;

        assign data =  ALU_out[15:0];
        assign carry =  ALU_out[16];


Best Answer

I made the necessary change and put the '$display' inside the modules. But this the output i am getting: 0 alumod A_in=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, B_in=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ALU_out=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Why am i not getting the output?

because you haven't provided any test input values. For example, in your testbench A_ALU and B_ALU aren't initialized. Since nets that are driven get the default value of 'x', you are getting A_in & B_in as x's.

I've simplified your code here. See the testbench code where A_ALU & B_ALU values are provided. The '$display' is used in the '' file. After simulating you'll get output like this:

#                  100 alumod A_in=x, B_in=x, ALU_out=x
#                  105 alumod A_in=1010, B_in=1010, ALU_out=10100
#                  110 alumod A_in=1010, B_in=10100, ALU_out=11110
#                  115 alumod A_in=1010, B_in=11110, ALU_out=101000
#                  120 alumod A_in=1010, B_in=101, ALU_out=101
#                  125 alumod A_in=1010, B_in=100, ALU_out=110

See, for 1st 100ns the values are x since they aren't initialzed yet.