Analog – Voltage Output of a Sensor with 3.3V & 5V Supply


I want to connect Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F Dust Sensor with an ESP32. According to the datasheet, the VCC can be from 0 to +7V (5V recommended). With Vcc = 5V, the sensor output voltage varies between 0.6 to ~3.6V.
enter image description here

I suppose if I power the sensor at 3.3 the output graph won't be valid and I need to calibrate the sensor myself at 3.3V supply. So I want to keep the Vcc at 5V. Although I don't expect the output to > 3v all the time but still want to keep it safe for ESP32 (i.e. <3.3V)? My initial idea was using a voltage divider but wonder if it will affect the ADC measurements. Is there is a better to achieve the same objective?

Sensor Datasheet

Best Answer

The sensor is not specified to work on 3.3V supply. It is specified to work on 5V +/- 0.5V supply, and therefore it is not required to operate in any way outside that specification.

The curve you are looking only provides typical example output. The datasheet only guarantees that the output is at least 3.4V or more at 4k7 ohm load, but since it does not give a maximum, it could go up to the 5V supply voltage.

If it can work with 4k7 ohm load, surely that can be split into for example 2k2 and 3k3 resistors to have a divided output for ADC measurement.