What’s the usage of storing recorded measurements of multimeter and soldering iron station in computer


Assume you want to purchase a multimeter for your job. some multimeters have a USB interface to store the recorded measurements in the computer and for this feature, you have to pay more money. but the question is What's the usage of storing recorded measurements in computer? sometimes I think that's a worthless feature, maybe bucause I never need to such feature. but I guss there is a reason for this feature. another device that I think have this feature and that's a worthless feature for it again is soldering iron station. for example: Weller WX soldering iron station indeed I'm curious!

Best Answer

A multimeter with USB readout can be useful when a large number repetitive measurements has to be made. Computer readout helps save time and reduces a probability of a data entry error.

  • Create test documentation (semi)automatically for each unit under test (UUT, DUT) during quality control (QC).
  • Observe trends during QC, which may point to upcoming issues.
  • Collect data during routine maintenance.
  • Collect data during field research.

p.s. There are even calipers with computer readout. I have used them for measuring lesions after RF tissue ablation. Our study required several hundred measurements.