Will (LiPo) batteries draw current/voltage between packs if main lead is disconnected


Never learned this stuff in school (electrician study) oddly enough.
But if you serial up 4 batteries (3S LiPo's x4 to be specific), and you switch off the main leads to the power bank..

Will the batteries still draw/distribute load in between each other?
I know the loop is broken but for some reason the one thing that got stuck in my head is that batteries – lead will always try to balance out it's internal overcapacity of electrons vs protons, and if one pack has more protons and still have a negative lead connected to it's positive, will those two packs balance each other out?

I apologize for the noobish question, but it's out of concern for battery safety!

enter image description here

Best Answer

With just the batteries? Nope. Current can only flow if the loop is closed.


With LiPo batteries there is often a control board, they will at least still use a tiny amount of power (in the order of micro amperes usually). Some more advanced technologies can actually actively balance cells while in use or while charging, Linear had a nice chip that does that. In such a case a little while after you switch it off, it may keep currents flowing around between the batteries to balance them for a tiny while after. But those packs will be very rare.

So simply put: If there's electronics in there, anything could be happening, if there isn't, then loop broken means no current anywhere, ever. Although with LiPo it's very smart to have electronics at least for per-cell protection.

(Except for a battery's inherent self-discharge, but that's a current that flows inside each cell, so that still doesn't affect other cells in the chain and that is extremely low for Lithium types.)

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