Magento – Change PayPal Image in Checkout


I have tried everything to change the PayPal image at checkout in magento 1.9.1 CE.

We set up PayPal standard which also enables PayPal Express. We are not using any of the premium products from PayPal, just standard.

Apparently you can only change that image if you have one of their premium services, payflow pro, etc.

We want to switch the image to a credit card Paypal image. Our customers don't know we can take any credit card though PayPal.

I tried editing:

mark.phmtl, shortcut.phmtl and logo,phmtl.

No luck, still shows the default logo.

Best Answer

You can do it from this template file :


Both paypal logo and text "What is Paypal" is coded in this file.

Ideally you should copy this file with same path in your theme and modify this file according to requirements.

Like if your theme is :


Then in its template folder create same path as "paypal/payment" and put modified mark.phtml here (If the path and file is already here you can directly modify it).

Try this.

reference: link