Magento – Flushing cache on the back-end does not delete all cache


For testing purposes, I had done some core changes to the following files and they worked fine.

  • /js/varien/configurable.js
  • /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View/Options/Abstract.php

So after my test, I replaced back the original with the revised files. After going through Cache Storage Management, and flushing all, I am still seeing all of my revision in place!

While looking through FileZilla at var/cache/ and it's sub-folders, flushing cache on the Back-end does NOT delete all cache in mage–0, mage–1, … and mage–f.

I have to keep on pressing "Flush Cache Storage" to delete all. How can you delete all cache at once? And even after emptying the folders, the changes do not roll back!

What else can I do to roll back to original, even though I have both original file in place?

Best Answer

Flushing of the Magento Cache

There are a few options here, namely:

Checking the line items and submitting refresh from the Actions dropdown box
Clicking the Flush Magento Cache button, and
Clicking the Flush Storage Cache button.

and another way:

->SSH users can use the following command to flush Magento caches:

$ find ./var/cache -type f -delete

->FTP users can use the following command to cleanup Magento caches:

mrm -r ./var/cache ; mkdir ./var/cache

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