Apache reverse proxy before redirect


I'm trying to setup a redirect to https on a specific ServerName but before it does the redirect I'd like it to match a Location path and reverse proxy to a separate server rather than redirect to the https URL. Below is how I thought it would work but it seems that it redirects before doing the reverse proxy. Clearly my apache skills are lacking. Maybe, I need two separate VirtualHosts? Any help would be appreciated.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName domain.com
    <Location /console>
        ProxyPass http://internal.server.com:8000/console
        ProxyPassReverse http://internal.server.com:8000/console
    <Location />
        Redirect permanent / https://internal.server2.com

Best Answer

Instead of letting the Redirect config apply for all locations, let's avoid applying it for /console. Remove the <Location /> section and replace it with:

<LocationMatch "!^/console">
    Redirect permanent / https://internal.server2.com/