Apache reverse proxy encodes characters


I have setup apache reverse proxy to serve bugzilla from behind a firewall with following config

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /bugzilla nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /bugzilla
<location /bugzilla/>
        ProxyPassReverse /
        RequestHeader    unset  Accept-Encoding

But the problem is that when the request hits bugzilla the search terms are all encoded and bugzilla can't find anything

E.g. "search term" becomes "search%20term" when it reaches bugzilla as it is encoded to be "search%2520term" by the proxy.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

OK, I have ended using mod_rewrite to do the proxy and told it not to encode chars. Now my config looks like

ProxyRequests Off

RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/bugzilla-rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 0
RewriteRule ^/bugzilla/(.*)$$1 [P,NE]

ProxyPass /bugzilla nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /bugzilla

<location /bugzilla/>
        ProxyPassReverse /
        RequestHeader    unset  Accept-Encoding

I don't know if all lines are needed but it works and I am not touching it