Applying a GPO to one user on one computer only


I have a GPO that I need to apply to the user DOMAIN\DumbGuy, but only when he logs on to DOMAIN\DumbGuysComputer$. When DOMAIN\NiceReceptionist logs on to DOMAIN\DumbGuysComputer$ it should not apply. When DOMAIN\DumbGuy logs on to DOMAIN\ReceptionstsComputer$ it should not apply.

It needs to only only apply to one person on one computer.

If I apply the GPO to the User object, it will apply to all his computers. If I apply the GPO to the Computer object, it will apply to all users on that computer. If I apply it to both, it spreads even wider.

How can I apply a GPO to just one user on just one computer?

Best Answer

My suggestion is similar to inhabitant's..

Create a sub-OU just for that single computer, create a GPO in it and set it to loopback merge mode. Use security filtering on the GPO so that only DumbGuy have permissions to apply it. I don't see any reason for using two different GPO's.

Mucho importante! Don't filter the "read" rights from the authenticated users, as the group policy subsystem needs to read the GPO before it applies to the user