Spam Filter – Barracuda Alternatives for Virtualization/Appliance


I've sold and deployed Barracuda spam and web filters for years. I've always thought that the functionality was good (Barracuda Central, easy interface, effective filtering), but the hardware on the entry to midrange units is a weak point. They have single power supplies, no RAID and limited monitoring support. Personally, I think Barracuda would make a killing selling their software as a VMWare appliance.

I'm looking for something similar that I can deploy as a consultant, but will be easy for customers to manage. It should have support for server-grade hardware or the ability to be deployed as a virtual machine. Is there anything out there that's close?

Best Answer

Barracuda does offer a VMware appliance. It is their Vx series. I just switched off of my 5 year Model 300 to Vx300 because my unit was crashing too much. This way, I don't have to come to the office to power cycle it.

Barracuda Virtual Applicances

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