Can’t get to Jenkins Server from a particular PC


We have a Tomcat application server on buildl02 on our site. This Tomcat instance is running both Jenkins and Sventon.

When I type in the address for Jenkins http://buildl02.tcprod.local/jenkins, I get a dialog box that says

Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://buill02.tcprod.local/jenkins. Operation Aborted.

After that, I get the page, that's says:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. Most likely causes:

  • You are not connected to the Internet.
  • The website is encountering problems.
  • There might be a typing error in the address.

However, I have no problems if I type in the address on the same server for Sventon which is in the same webapps directory as Jenkins.

One more thing, Jenkins favicon and webpage title does display (but that's it).

Unfortunately, this is a server, and I cannot download Chrome or Firefox. There's nothing in the Event log.

Best Answer

It was an IE 8 issue. We installed Google Chrome on the server and we can now get to our Jenkins build server. I've setup a Master/Slave relationship with this PC. Now, it appears that this is a 1.1 .NET project, and I don't have an MSBUILD executable for that on my build machine.