Can’t login with another domain credentials even when a trust exists


I have a domain named A; it has 2 AD servers and some web servers. And this is configured to have a one way trust with a domain named B. In short, A trusts B, but B doesn't A.

Also, the users of domain B can log in to any of the servers in A domain with their B account. But now, while trying to log in with their B account, they're getting the error "No logon servers available."

I believe to have some kind of trust relationship error, but I'm a beginner. Can anyone help me on this? How we can check for an error in trust relationships?

All servers involved are 2008R2.

Best Answer

I believe to have some kind of trust relationship error

Reading the error message (cough) tells you that is not the case.

"No logon servers available" error is throwing out

Check DNS entries on both sides. This is typiical when no DC can be found / reached. Check the relevant DC error logs whether they work flawless.

This is - as the error says - not a TRUST issue. Trust is configured correctly. This is an issue of the DC discovery not workig and that can have a ton of reasons.

Basically the machine at A tries to find a server to aithenticate the user B and there is none it can find.