Centos – I installed php-soap with rpm file on Centos but doesn’t work


I installed php-soap on my Centos server from RPM file. Then I restarted httpd service but doesn't work SOAP client.

When I get:

yum list installed

php-soap listed here:

php.i386                            5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-cli.i386                        5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-common.i386                     5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-devel.i386                      5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-gd.i386                         5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-imap.i386                       5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-mbstring.i386                   5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-mysql.i386                      5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-pdo.i386                        5.3.6-1.w5                         installed
php-pear.noarch                     1:1.4.9-6.el5                      installed
php-soap.i386                       5.2.17-1.el5.art                   installed
php-xml.i386                        5.3.6-1.w5                         installed

There are SOAP options in php.ini file, there is soap.so in extension dir. But doesn't appear any SOAP option on phpinfo page. (Only soap.ini listed in ini files)

What can I do for enable SOAP extension?

Best Answer

Check the soap.ini and verify that the line with the *.so file listed isn't commented. In case remove the ; infront of extension=... and restart your webserver apachectl restart

Update It seems you installed the php 5.2 SOAP to a PHP 5.3 which should not work together. Try install the 5.3.x SOAP.