Centos – the.cnf missing on all directories after new thesql installtion


Title says it all. I previously had mysql version 5.1 on my CENTOS 6 x86_64 OS.
I attempted to remove mysql 5.1 and replace it with an install of mysql 5.6.

Here is my uninstall process for mysql 5.1:

yum remove mysql
yum remove mysql-devel
yum remove mysql-client

rpm -qa | grep -i mysql
rpm -e mysql --nodeps

Here is my install process for mysql 5.6:

I got three rpm's for mysql 5.6. server, devel, and client all x86_64.

rpm -ivh on all three rpm's in the order of server first, then client then devel.
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'pass'

I then went into my webmin admin panel to play around with some mysql settings and it told me my /etc/my.cnf file was missing. So I went into my server to look for the my.cnf file and I could not find it in its usual places.

So I attempted to run a mysqld --verbose --help | grep -A 1 "Default options" and I got three directories that it is searching for a my.cnf file. /etc/my.cnf, /etc/mysql/my.cnf, and ~/.my.cnf. I checked all three directories but I could not for the life of me find that file.. Now I went to my mysql home directory which is /var/lib/mysql to find the .cnf file but all I found was auto.cnf.

Does anyone have any ideas? Could I just download a my.cnf file and place it in one of those directories?

Best Answer

If the installation process doesn't create a my.cnf file for you then you merely need to create one yourself. Full documentation on the options is available on the MySQl web site. There's no magic with this stuff and MySQL will in most cases run with built-in defaults if it can't find an options file. Webmin (really, you use that?) gets a little precious about these things sometimes but that has nothing to do with MySQL. I recommend you learn to manage your system from the command line and get proper control.