Mysql – Will ‘yum remove thesql-server’ remove the databases as well


I need to update RHEL 5.8 from MySQL 5.1 to the new MySQL 5.5. I have installed the REMI rpm, but I get a long list of package conflicts when trying to upgrade MySQL that way.

I think I need to remove MySQL completely, and then do a fresh install of the new version.

If I run

yum remove mysql-server

Will that remove my databases and the /etc/my.cnf configuration file? I am hoping it won't.


Best Answer

No. The database files are not under control of the package. The directory is, but the directory won't be removed if there is anything in it.

$ rpm -qlv mysql-server
drwxr-xr-x    2 mysql   mysql                       0 Mar 29 00:39 /var/lib/mysql