Debian 5 server is randomly shutting down


My debian 5 vps is suffering from random shutdowns. I reinstalled it several times, the hosts moved me to a different physical box, check the install image and said everyone else also uses it and is fine.

Heres the output from syslog

Mar 27 00:19:19 noobintraining-1 -- MARK --
Mar 27 00:32:01 noobintraining-1 shutdown[18142]: shutting down for system halt
Mar 27 00:32:06 noobintraining-1 init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Mar 27 00:32:06 noobintraining-1 xinetd[15907]: Exiting...
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: received control channel command 'stop -p'
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: shutting down: flushing changes
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: stopping command channel on
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: stopping command channel on ::1#953
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: no longer listening on ::#53
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: no longer listening on
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: no longer listening on
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 named[15865]: exiting
Mar 27 00:32:07 noobintraining-1 exiting on signal 15

Any help is most appreciated!

Best Answer

Someone could be pressing the power button performing ACPI shutdown or it just might be an issue with ACPI. The system could also have sensor problems and thus thinks it is becoming to hot and shutsdown.

Try setting acpi to off in the kernel boot options. This is most likely performed in grub(/boot/grub/menu.lst).

You should look for the section that looks like:

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-amd64 root=/dev/sda1 ro
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-amd64

Add acpi off to the kernel line like this:

   kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-amd64 root=/dev/sda1 ro acpi=off

Reboot and try out your new setting!

EDIT: if it is an ACPI issue you may find more info in the log file:

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