Debian – Why is Debian 6.0.1 asking for Install CD when installing stuff


I've recently installed a Debian 6.0.1 and when i issue the simple apt-get, when finishing (99% says) ask for the install CD.

Cambio de medio: Por favor, inserte el
disco etiquetado como «Debian
GNU/Linux 6.0.1a Squeeze – Official
i386 CD Binary-1 20110322-15:11» en la
unidad «/media/cdrom/» y pulse Intro

Something like:

Change the source: Please, insert the
CD labeled as «Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a
Squeeze – official i386 CD Binary-1 20110322-15:11» in «/media/cdrom/»
and press Intro (Return)

Can you tell me why is it and how can i fix it. I don't want to let the CD in the server.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Your /etc/apt/sources.list is referencing the cd. If you remove it, it will purely use the net to download any files.