Exchange 2016, Can’t add Send Connector


Just trying to set up exchange 2016 at home on winserv 2012 r2 just to try it out before deploying it at work. And i've run into a bit of an annoying problem.

Following microsofts guide for adding a send connector,
I get up to Step 8 "Under Source server, click Add Add icon. In the Select a Server window, select a Mailbox server. After you've selected the server, click Add and then click OK."

But neither the "Ok" or "Cancel" buttons respond to my mouse click.. at all.. no errors, no spinning loading wheels. They do absolutely nothing.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Best Answer

First - are you using the browser on the server itself, or on a workstation? If on the server, ensure that you have IE SC turned off. If on a workstation, ensure that it is fully patched, or try a different browser.


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