Firewall – pfsense 2.0.1 Firewall SMB Share not showing up under network


I have a freenas NAS with a SMB share running at of a network. Gateway is Originally this was running on a switch with my LAN, but now having upgraded to new hardware the Freenas has it's own port on the firewall. Before the switch the freenas would show up under Network on a windows 7 box and an OSX Lion box as freenas{wins} or CIFS shares on freenas{osx} so I know it doesn't have anything do to with the freenas. Here are my pfsense rules.

ID  Proto        Source     Port    Destination     Port    Gateway     Queue   Schedule    Description     

PASS    TCP     FREENAS net     *   LAN net         139 (NetBIOS-SSN)   *   none        cifs lan passthrough    

PASS    TCP     FREENAS net     *   LAN net         389 (LDAP)          *   none        cifs lan passthrough    

PASS    TCP     FREENAS net     *   LAN net         445 (MS DS)         *   none        cifs lan passthrough    

PASS    UDP     FREENAS net     *   LAN net         137 (NetBIOS-NS)    *   none        cifs lan passthrough    

PASS    UDP     FREENAS net     *   LAN net         138 (NetBIOS-DGM)   *   none        cifs lan passthrough    

BLOCK   *   FREENAS net         *   LAN net         *                   *   none        

BLOCK   *   FREENAS net         *   OPTZONE net     *                   *   none            

BLOCK   *   FREENAS net         *     *                   *   none            

PASS    *   FREENAS net         *   *               *                   *   none                

BLOCK   *         *             *   *               *                   *   none    

I can connect if I use \\ and enter the correct login details. I would just like this to show up on the network. Nothing in the log seems to be blocked when I filter by

What port am I missing for SMB to show up under the network and not have to connect by IP?

ps. Do I really need the LDAP rule?


Almost there

Enabled "Register DHCP leases in DNS forwarder" and "Register DHCP static mappings in DNS forwarder" So now from my windows machine I can type \\freenas and get to correct share.

The problem is I have WDtv and if I want to connect to the freenas share it must show up under the "Network" portion of my windows computer, ie Network Discovery MUST be working.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

Best Answer

Ports don't have any relation to network browsing in this case. Cross-subnet browsing in general is problematic, if you search related to Windows cross-subnet browsing you'll find information. It's just a general Windows browsing issue, your firewall ruleset you're showing there is good.