Force Juniper-network client to use split routing


I'm using the Juniper client for OSX ('Network Connect') to access a client's VPN. It appears that the client is configured to not use split-routing. The client's VPN host is not willing to enable split-routing.

Is there a way for me to over-ride this configuration or do sometime on my workstation to get the non-client network traffic to by-pass the VPN? This wouldn't be a big deal, but none of my streaming radio stations (e.g. XM) work will connected to their VPN.

Apologies for any inaccuracies in the terminology.

** edit **

The Juniper client changes my system's resolve.conf file from:



search [redacted]

I've attempted to restore my preferred DNS entry to the file

$ sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

but this results in the following error:

-bash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied

How does the super-user account not have access to this file? Is there a way to prevent the Juniper client from making changes to this file?

Best Answer

About the permission problem Marcus is correct in his answer but there is a simpler way to append to files requiring super user privileges:

$ echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf

The tee command will split output (like a T-junction) to both a file and stdout. -a will make sure it appends to the file instead of completely overwriting it (which you most likely don't want when manipulating system files such as resolve.conf or hosts). sudo will make sure tee runs with super user access so that it can change the file.