FTP Folder Error The parameter is incorrect

ftpwindows 10

My client (X) often ftp ok to server to upload file to it.

One day the server admin (Y) change some setting so X can't connect to ftp server.

Then Y fix it, X can connect again but ftp server say incorrect password.

Then Y change password for X, I connect ok in my computer but when I go to X's computer, type ftp://10.19*.x.x (ip of ftp server) it show error even before I can go to the username/password dialog


How could I fix this?

P/S: If I use Chrome browser in X's computer, it login successfully. Only error in windows explorer, but I can't use chrome to upload file to ftp server.

I already go to credential management in X's computer, no save password for ftp server to delete…

I'm kind of supporter between X and Y.

Best Answer

I finally found it.

Thank to this post, I open regedit and delete the old password folder in HKCU/Software/Microsoft/FTP/Accounts, then login again in explorer.