Ftp – IIS7 Windows Server 2008 FTP -> Response: 530 User cannot log in


I just launched my first IIS FTP site following many of the tutorials from IIS.NET… I'm using IIS Users and Permissions rather than anonymous and/or basic.

This is what I'm seeing while trying to establish the connection…

Status:    Resolving address of ftp.mydomain.com 
Status:    Connecting to ###.###.##.###:21... 
Status:    Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 
Response:  220 Microsoft FTP Service  
Command:   USER MyFTPUser  
Response:  331 Password required for MyFTPUser. 
Command:   PASS ********************  
Response:  530 User cannot log in. 
Error:     Critical error 
Error:     Could not connect to server

Best Answer

It's quite old but I found myself in the same situation. I solved giving the right permission to the "Network services" on some configurafiles:

CACLS “%SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config” /G “Network Service”:R /E
CACLS “%SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\administration.config” /G “Network Service”:R /E
CACLS “%SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\redirection.config” /G “Network Service”:R /E

Hope it helps.