Ftp – Windows Server 2012 R2 FTP server “closed by remote host”


I'm trying to host a FTP server from my WS 2012 R2. I did all the IIS stuff, disabled stateful as well. Port 20 and 21 are open. Current situation:

  • From the machine: ftp > open localhost works
  • From the machine: ftp > open <ip address> doesn't, "closed by remote host" right after connection
  • From my PC: FileZilla "Connection closed by server" after 3 seconds of "Connection established, waiting for welcome message…"
  • Local IP (ipconfig) is the same as external IP, thus no need for a firewall

I'm really noob in server stuff. If you need more info then ask away. Also, this didn't help me at all.

Best Answer

Try creating another rule to allow port 21 inbound. I had the same problem with the default rule not working correctly. I believe it has to do with the fact the default rule includes a service/program rule.

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