I have administrative rights on Windows Server 2003, so why am I denied access to a folder


A recent attempt to upgrade a piece of software failed because it couldn't access a folder. I tried to take a look at the folder in Explorer and was told:

D:\folder is not accessible. Access
is denied.

When I look at the properties of the folder and click on the Security tab, a message pops up saying:

You do not have permission to view the
current permission settings for
folder, but you can make permission

When I attempt to give myself access to the folder, I'm told:

Unable to save permission changes on
folder. Access is denied.

I am an administrator, it said I could change the permissions, but then reneged. How do I regain control of that folder?

Best Answer

You would have to take ownership of the folder. Under the Security tab, go to Advanced, switch to the Owner tab, and replace ownership on that folder (and its subfolders if you need it).

Once you do that, you can change the permissions as you need. If you cannot take ownership, you're not really an administrator.