Iis – Adding FTP account to a website in IIS7


I'm trying to add an FTP account to a Website that I've setup in IIS7.

Here's what I've done so far (following these instructions):

  • added the windows account 'newFTP'
  • found the site in IIS Manager and clicked 'Add FTP Publishing…'
    • IP:unasigned
    • Port: 21
    • checked 'Enable Virtual Host Names'
    • [mydomain].com for the Virtual Host
    • checked 'Start FTP site automatically'
    • Selected 'Allow SSL'
    • Selected 'Not Selected' for 'SSL Certificate'
  • Clicked 'Next'
    • Set Authentication to 'Basic'
    • Set 'Allow acces to:' to 'Specified Users' and 'newFTP'
    • Set permissions to 'read' and 'write'

Now when I try to login with ftp from the command line I get:

Connected to [mydomain].com.
220 Microsoft FTP Service
User ([mydomain].com:(none)): newFTP
331 Password required for newFTP.
530-User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.
 Win32 error:   Access is denied.
 Error details: Authorization rules denied the access.
530 End
Login failed.

Best Answer

Double check that newFTP has read/write access to the ftp root folder (NTFS permissions on disk). Additionally, a couple of the user isolation modes require that the user also be granted 'list permissions' access to the root of the site.

There is a minor bug that may catch you with the authorization too. Just for testing, open that wide open. Once you get it working then lock it down again.