Iis – Multiple Sites on One IIS Server Need Different Outgoing IP Addresses


I have an IIS server set up with multiple web sites, each with their own IP address. It works fine for routing incoming traffic to the right site. However, outgoing traffic all appears to come from the IP address of the physical machine, not the individual sites. They need to appear to the outside world as separate IP addresses because the service they are communicating with differentiates by IP address alone.

Maybe someone has set up a NAT server to do this? Any ideas? Thanks!

Best Answer

I don't think you're going to get that functionality with IIS alone. You could put in some kind of front-end NAT box (say, a Linux machine w/ iptables), run the various sites on different TCP ports on the IIS box, and NAT them to different IP's on the Linux machine as a quick-and-dirty solution. IIS and Windows, though, aren't going to do what you want.

The iptables rules to do what you'd be looking for would be pretty simple. A Cisco router's NAT, and a slew of other embedded NAT implementations, could do it too.