Issue using RDP from Windows 7 to Windows Server 2008

rdpremote desktopwindows 7windows-server-2008

I'm trying to connect from my Windows 7 machine (home edition) to a Windows 2008 Server. I am receiving an error stating "Your credentials did not work". I have tested connecting over the Cord application from my Mac (to the same Server) and this works fine.

I have tried the following:

  • Domain/Username combination
  • Disabled Firewall completely on the Windows Server
  • Allowed all remote sessions
  • Tried to connect from different Window machines & versions

How can connecting via the Cord application work but connecting via Windows 7 doesn't?

Best Answer

I have had a similar issue a while back. Ended up being that, although I was only putting in login in CoRD's dialog, it was actually sending the down-level login name (domain\login) to the server.

Once I added domain\ prefix to login on RDP, it all worked.

Hope this helps.