Jenkins CI fails to initialise

continuous integrationJenkins

I've just installed Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu 11.10 as according to the instructions found here, However the service fails to start. The error log shows this:

Running from: /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war
10 Jun 2012 16:24:06 winstone.Logger logInternal
INFO: Beginning extraction from war file
10 Jun 2012 16:24:10 hudson.WebAppMain contextInitialized
SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins

The entire error log can be found on this pastebin

I've tried looking for similar errors but I can't find anything. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Fixed it myself - apt-get uninstall openjdk-6-jre openjdk6-jdk and reinstalling seemed to fix the problem. Not sure why as they were up to date in the first place. Maybe some dependencies were broken.