Ldap – Authenticate SMB connections on OpenBSD using Active Directory


I have an OpenBSD box that is being used primarily as an SFTP server. Some users running windows need the ability to map a share from this server using SMB. Rather than setting up individual accounts on the OpenBSD box, I would like to enable the users to log in using their active directory credentials, and have the OpenBSD box authenticate against the Active Directory server. How can I do this?


  • The OpenBSD box simply needs to authenticate against the Active Directory server. I don't need single sign-on or anything like that.
  • This article (Authenticating OpenBSD against Active Directory) has directions for authenticating at the system level, but it doesn't mention SMB (I seem to recall that SMB needs a separate password database), and also requires some messing around on the AD server. While I can make changes to the AD server if needed, I would prefer a solution that simply authenticated against the server as-is, perhaps via LDAP or the like
  • I don't need any windows permissions or anything fancy like that, I just need to know if they authenticated correctly.

Best Answer

The main path is to have your OpenBSD box join the AD Domain as a Member Server.

So you could offer smb shares and authenticate your users on AD Domain Controller.

This is well documented on the samba wiki (of course you don't need to enable any 'additional service', but still it can be quite a bit of work)