Ldapadd works, but ldapsearch doesn’t (openldap)


I use just installed Debian 6 with openldap 2.4. I have CentOS box too with openldap 2.3.
I make .ldif file from centOS (working configuration) box and successfully add all entries from ldif to Debian's openldap. After this, I try to use

ldapsearch -xLLL

and get an error

No such object (32)


ldapsearch -xLLL -b dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru

also doesn't work. I just can't understand what's wrong?

here is my slapd.conf

loglevel 0

modulepath /usr/lib/ldap
moduleload back_bdb.la

include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema

database bdb
suffix "dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru"
directory /var/lib/ldap

rootdn "cn=root,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru"
rootpw {SSHA}Fq0LHya+lD4356rE5B91snwP5390fDUg

index objectClass                       eq,pres
index ou,cn,sn,mail,givenname           eq,pres,sub,approx
index uidNumber,gidNumber,loginShell    eq,pres
index uid,memberUid                     eq,pres,sub
index nisMapName,nisMapEntry            eq,pres,sub
index entryCSN,entryUUID                eq
index sambaSID,sambaPrimaryGroupSID     eq
index sambaDomainName                   eq

access to attrs=userPassword
    by dn.base="uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru" write
    by self write
    by anonymous auth
access to attrs=sambaLMPassword
    by dn.base="uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru" write
    by self write
    by anonymous auth
access to attrs=sambaNTPassword
    by dn.base="uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru" write
    by self write
    by anonymous auth
access to *
    by dn.base="uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru" write
    by * read

and my ldap.conf

BASE    dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru
URI     ldap://

So, where I was wrong?
Best regards, thanks a lot for wasting your time.


  1. ldapsearch on Debian with -h and -b parameters can successfully print ldap content from CentOS LDAP server.

  2. LDAP Account manager (LAM) on Debian box shows Debian's LDAP content.

  3. slapcat without any parameters on Debian box prints LDAP content.

Best Answer

I found solution! It was the access rights. Shoud be global access rule

access to * by * read

before any database and access rights definition. Stupid mistake, but I thought that

access to *
    by dn.base="uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=pgtk,dc=edu,dc=ru" write
    by * read

enough for complete read access for all objects to all persons. In openldap 2.3 on CentOS box it's enough. Seems like openldap 2.4 has little different access rights politics.

Thanks all again for wasting your time!