Linux – How to easily store incremental backups of a linux server on a remote windows machine


Good evenening!

I'm searching for an easy way of storing incremental backups of a linux server on a remote windows home server. Both machines have their own static IP address. The linux machine is a Ubuntu virtual server machine, which should save its backups to a Windows home server machine.

First of all I want to store incremental backups, as the disk space of the windows machine is limited and the bandwidth to the home server is another bottleneck. (Also storing several full backups makes no sense to me anyway.)

Second I need to copy/transfer those backups over the internet via FTP, tunnel or any other available connection protocol.

It would be great if there's an easy solution using a combination of rsync and FTP or anything similar, which is easy to set up and maintain and not too costly.

Do there any approaches exist, which have succeeded continously fulfilling this requirement?

Thanks a lot for your experience and answers!

Best Answer

See rdiff-backup. rdiff-backup naturally does incremental backups. rdiff-backup is available in the main ubuntu repositories.

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