Linux – How to mount an afp shared folder in Debian Linux as a volume


I have some shared folders in my Mac that I wish to access from my Debian 10. I have researched some solutions to mount it as a volume, this will be good.

I found Netatalk that seems powerful but the tutorials I saw was to turn my Debian into a Time Machine… I also found afpns-fg, but the GitHub is archived, it seems abandoned for many years… I look at Snapcraft, Google, but didn't find any afp client… I am out of Ideas… can you help me?

Best Answer

I have recently worked to find how to mount AFP share (from a NAS). First, my afpfs-ng package refers to this website which gives everything you need.

You can find an example on how to mount the share using /etc/fstab (boot time mount). Here an additional example:

afpfs#afp://USER:PASS@SERVER/SHARE    /mnt/afp    fuse    user=USER,group=GROUP,_netdev    0    0

As stated in the previous link, there is another command afpcmd that is a simple client (no mounting). Finally, you can also use mount_afp:

mount_afp afp://USER:PASS@SERVER/SHARE /mnt/afp/

(Although, I am actually facing performance issue using afpfs_ng.)

It is also possible to use the graphical user interface to mount an AFP share. I saw it working with MATE and GNOME (thanks to gvfs). You just have to look in "Network" and the server will be presented.