Linux – How to remove the GUI bits from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux install


I am looking at a farm of RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3 servers, which all have GNOME and Xorg installed, none of which need them. They were deployed by a 3rd party from a VM template, and I don't know all of their history. What I do know is none of them run an application that actually requires having a full GUI installed. However, it is possible, that some run an application that requires some X libraries (ImageMagick comes to mind).

According to yum grouplist, the 'X Window System' group is not installed, so I can't use yum groupremove here.

Is there a sufficiently low-in-the-dependency-chain package, or packages, that I can remove, which will pull out Gtk, GNOME and Xorg? Alternatively, if it generates a list of packages to remove before starting, we can reinstall the applications we need, which will pull back the X libraries, when we are done.

Best Answer

I haven't done this with real, live RHEL, but I have pried X out of CentOS 5.1 and 5.2. (I've been pulling X off of Redhat-derived distros for years... ever since the dependencies were made such that you, basically, had to install X, whether you wanted it or not.)

I don't recall the exact dependencies, but, as I recall, there are some annyoing dependencies that require a "--nodeps" argument to RPM in order to get the offending RPMs to remove. I just start ripping out packages I don't need, adding more and more packages to the "rpm -e" command-line, and finally adding "--nodeps" when necessary.

I don't know that I'd recommend doing this for production machines. I don't deploy any quantity of CentOS in production environments, so it's probably alright that I potentially screw up my installation. In a production environment, disk space is cheap. I don't like having unnecessary software installed, from a security perspective, but The Right Thing(tm) is probably to rebuild the packages with offending dependencies (without the offending dependencies, obviously) rather than just ripping out and potentially making a system unusable.