Linux – Installing 2 versions openssl simultaneously


I need to install 2 different versions of OpenSSL simultaneously. I am currently using Amazon EC2 with the Amazon 32-bit AMI, which currently runs OpenSSL 1.0.0a. I have an old piece of software that I need to run that requires OpenSSL.0.9.6. Unfortunately, from what I have learned, OpenSSL is not backwards-compatible so I will need to install both versions simultaneously. I have found an RPM that will work, however, I have no idea how to go about installing them simultaneously without breaking anything. Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

You may download source from archive and compile it from source, installing into separate directory.

./config --prefix=/old-openssl-version-x.x.x --openssldir=/old-openssl-version-x.x.x
make test
sudo make install

Then use specific version like this:

/old-openssl-version-x.x.x/bin/openssl do whatever you want