Debian Servers – Managing Upgrades on Hundreds of Systems


What do you think are the best practices to maintain dozens (if not hundreds) of debian servers up-to-date ?
Keeping in mind that :

  • There are groups of servers (i.e identical webservers, DB Servers, …)
  • There can be several Debian issues (lenny, etch)
  • Running a loop over all servers and doing apt-get update && upgrade is not acceptable (because it's what I'm doing at the moment 🙂 ) It should be better than this !

Currently, when I finally finish all the upgrades, a new security update is posted, and I have to do it all over again.

Thanks in advance serverfault community !

Best Answer

I use apt-dater to manage upgrading all my Debian boxes. Seems to do the trick well enough. Haven't tried to scale it up to hundreds of hosts though.

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