Managing reserved Amazon EC2 instances

amazon ec2

I'm writing an app and had been paying an hourly rate for my EC2 instance, as I've needed to test. I decided I should just pay for a reserved instance to save money in the long run, but now that I have one, I'm confused about how I'm supposed to manage it. In the "Instances" section of the EC2 management console, I can see the instances that I've launched in the past, and I can stop/start them as I see fit. However, it seems the only way to view my reserved instance is to use the "Reserved Instances" drop-down, but this only seems to let me view them, but nothing else…

So, my question is, how can I do the same thing with my reserved instance(s) that I've been doing with my hourly instance(s)? I basically just want to associate my elastic IP with my reserved instance and install my server image on it.

Best Answer

How do I purchase and start up a Reserved Instance?

You purchase an EC2 Reserved Instance by calling the PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering API method. Launching a Reserved Instance is no different than launching an On-Demand Instance. You simply use the RunInstances command or launch an instance via the AWS Management Console. Amazon EC2 will optimally apply the cheapest rate that you are eligible for in the background.

How do I control which instances are billed at the Reserved Instance rate?

The RunInstances command does not distinguish between On-Demand and Reserved Instances. When computing your bill, our system will automatically optimize which instances are charged at the lower Reserved Instance rate to ensure you always pay the lowest amount.