NGINX – Nginx.service: Can’t Open PID File on Debian 10


I'm using nginx 1.20.1 on Debian 10, it's working but on command systemctl status nginx this is shown:

systemd[1]: Starting nginx – high performance web server…
systemd[1]: nginx.service: Can't open PID file /run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or d
systemd[1]: Started nginx – high performance web server.

I googled alot and checked permission of related folders of address /var/usr/ and checked the address to be the same in both /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service , and good to say that is created when nginx is running and it is deleted when I stop nginx. I tried using /usr/ in .conf and .service but the same problem exists. In my error.log, no error or warning is logged. Also should mention that it's a fresh VM machine|debian and a fresh nginx! With no extra modification to default nginx.conf !

Question: should I have notice Can't open PID file /run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or d ? If it is important how could I resolve it?

Best Answer

When I changed Number of CPUs of my virtual machine form 1 to more than 1, the problem solved (more than 2 days engaging). It was not a problem !! it was just a message on the screen 'Can't open PID file` and nothing in the log file and nginx working truely! But this message maybe is a bug according to this refrence :