Nginx – pfSense + NAT and nginx – real IP not shown in logs


My current setup includes a pfSense firewall which port forwards public WAN traffic to a NAT internal IP.


  • (WAN IP) port forwards all traffic to

This is working as expected, traffic is forwarded on correctly. The issue I'm having is I see the local IP (i.e. pfSense router IP, in this case, within Nginx logs.

I've searched and lots of articles suggest using real_ip module, and setting X-Forwarded-For header, but this doesn't work.


  • The IP of my router differs from the IPs I'm port forwarding (this is intentional).
  • I don't own, this is just an example.

Best Answer

You should use the load balancing capability of pfsense to do this (as described here : instead of a NATING Rule.

You can define only one loadbalancing pool with only one server in it.

Besides, it will allow you to add nginx servers later If you need it.