Odd Site-to-site VPN connectivity issue


I have two networks connected with a site-to-site VPN:

  • Network "A" is with a Sonicwall TZ-170 at
  • Network "B" is with a Sonicwall Pro1260 at
  • Everything in "A" can ping everything in "B", and everything in "B" can ping everything in "A"

With one Exception:
Nothing from network "A" has access to anything on the "B" sonicwall (no HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, ICMP, etc.).

Additionally, sonicwall "B" can't ping it's own lan address. I've been over the VPN config, and the NAT and firewall rules on both sonicwalls. Everything seems fine, but clearly I'm missing something.

Anyone have any ideas? So far, the Sonicwall support team hasn't been able to resolve the problem.

Access to the "B" device's LAN IP spontaneously started working last night, exactly when our "A" TZ170 spontaneously rebooted itself. I'm starting to think we have some faulty equipment.

Best Answer

You or support probably checked this already, but is the "Enable Ping from LAN to Management Interface" checkbox on the System->Administration page set?

Not sure about not being able to reach the management page remotely.